+1 (240) 473 3041


These are my Chariots of Influence:

Ministry Platforms


The “Praying Sisters” started as a Radio Program in 2017 but has metamorphosed into a weekly intercessory prayer session for Women. The program takes place on Monday nights by 7 pm EST on different platforms

Just as Psalms 46:9, The ‘Warfare Champions’ is a Midnight Warfare Session where viewers are encouraged to push their fingers into warfare



Just like the disciples gathered together in the Upper Room to ask for Power in the book of Acts 1, the War Room is a quarterly meeting ground where social and cultural issues are addressed from the Place of Prayer


Impact Platforms

Auxano Insight is a training platform where people are given tools to help create and manifest wealth and abundance



The Empowered Youths Network is a Not-for-Profit organization that caters to at risk youths with Career Support Programs, Mental awareness and Support Centers as well as Empowerment programs



Visionary Platforms

D’assistor is a Full Service Lifestyle Management company whose focus is assisting clients in managing their day-to-day and long term needs to help them create a more “balanced life”.


Thrive & Secure is a Cybersecurity and Business Development Advisory consult that works to help your business grow while staying protected.